
We Love replicas because they make us dream

The rehabilitation of historic buildings is a task that requires precision, dedication, and a profound respect for architectural heritage. Intergesso is proud to have contributed to the adaptation of the building complex that will house the headquarters of the Association for the Valorization and Transfer of Technology Biopolis.

Floral Designs: The Elegance of Intergesso’s Victorian Collection

Plaster floral designs have become a highlight in interior decoration, bringing with them a rich history and sophisticated aesthetics. These decorative elements, used on ceilings, date back to the 19th century during the Victorian era, when detailed ornamentation and opulence were synonymous with good taste and social status.

Boiserie: The Growing Trend in Interior Design Winning Over Intergesso’s Customers

Recently, boiserie has emerged as a standout trend in interior design, gaining popularity among our customers at Intergesso. This classic style, dating back to the 17th century, involves the application of decorative plaster moldings and panels on walls, creating a sophisticated and elegant environment. Know more.

Safe and Timeless Decoration

At Intergesso, you will find in our decorative pieces all the natural advantages of plaster, combined with the exclusive and refined design of our collections.

Renewed Presence

After 2 years away, the debut was with a golden key in the IX edition of the Urban Rehabilitation Week, one of the areas that we really like to work due to its authenticity.

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